Monday, April 21, 2014

Terrible Twos

Unfortunately my 21 month old has hit it full swing. He has been so testy and angry lately.

He loves to scream when he doesn't get his way. He had stopped doing this months and months ago. I was thankful when he stopped but another child reintroduced it and it's been a plague ever since. I've tried everything to get it to stop. Yesterday we sat in time out forever with him continuing to scream every time I spoke. I was so frustrated with him.

He's also been boycotting meals, specifically dinner. The past two nights he hasn't eaten dinner. He's to busy wanting to play to stop and eat. If he skips dinner we take away all snacks for the rest of the night and he only gets water to drink. Although the doctor advised me to not offer him anything else, we do attempt to offer dinner to him numerous times before we go to bed.

He's also been even worse at bedtime. It takes us nearly an hour to get him to sleep. By the time bedtime comes I'm exhausted and not in the mood. Last night he was falling asleep on the couch at 6:30 so we chose to bathe him and prepare for bed. He skips naps nearly every day so we know he is tired at bedtime, just not ready. We laid down with him at 8 and he was knocked out in 30 minutes. It's still a really exhausting process and I hate having to do it. We've also moved his mattress to our bedroom floor. We've been able to move him to it after he's knocked out but he only sleeps for three hours before waking up.

Needless to say, having an almost two year old is killing me. I don't know where my sweet boy went. I'm nervous to take him places with his screaming and I really can't fight him with my giant belly. Cherise your little ones... two year olds are no joke.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry B's been giving you a rough time darlin'. I remember Reli was an absolute terror when I was pregnant with Corbin, but now that it's his turn, he's soaking up a good deal of his big sister's sass. I swear if I hear "Ummmm, NO" one more time today, everyone is going to time out - including me!


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