Monday, February 17, 2014

Sleep training woes

We started our sleep training last night and it went exactly how I anticipated.

B skipped his nap yesterday so he was good and tired. That made me really hopefuly about the process. Around 7 we all we upstairs to have a little bath time. I feel like we prolonged this bath time. It felt like hours and I didn't mind at all. We tired to start a good routine after his bath. Teeth brushed, lotion/lullaby oil, PJs and a nice story time. We all rocked in the rocking chair and read the book two times. We went through and talked about every detail dreading what was to come. Finally Chance and I said our good nights and left.

As soon as we put him in his crib he started screaming. I sat down stairs for an hour hearing his tears. I couldn't go up there... it would have made it a million times worse. He fell asleep after an hour but it lasted for a mere 10 minutes. After that he was in and out for the next hour. We finally decided to go to bed and scooped him up. He ran back to his room still crying for Mama and got his sippy and seahorse. I know I know, that was a step backwards. After two hours I was over it.  I can't bear to leave him to cry all night. My heart was aching.

Chance rolled right over making me wonder if he was upset with me. It truly didn't matter though. B cuddled my face and pointed out all my body parts for quite some time. We cuddled and talked about night night and Co Co. Finally he drifted off. He slept through the nighr after thay. He hasn't done that since he was five months old. That was a relief but he's still in our bed. When we go upstairs he opens his door and goes to his crib saying night night. I'll attempt it again tonight but maybe add in a few comforting minutes here and there. Chance is on duty so it'll just be me. I feel like that makes it all a bit more challenging.  I give in to B's tears. They make me really sad and I feel so bad for him. I not nearly strong enough to do this all alone.

Wish us luck and I'll continue to update on this process and what we change to make it more doable.

1 comment:

  1. I know we will be in your shoes one day. I'm sorry it's so tough girl!!! Hopefully he gives in soon!


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