Friday, October 11, 2013

Attachment issues

I say this and I know many people are probably formulating their own thoughts. B is extremely attached to me but the issue here is the pacifier. 

When B was just a month old the doctor suggested giving him a paci to make him stop fussing. Didn't really do the trick but we kept at it. 

Fast forward nearly 14 months and now B, the little baby who hated his paci, is obsessed. Without his paci he walks around crying 'bb' searching for it. He screams if I attempt to put him to bed without it. I tried my best to limit it but living with my mom made that hard. She continued to give it to him and now he is under the impression that he needs it. 

I did a bit of research and found an article written on baby center with ten different methods of getting rid of the paci. One being poking a tiny hole in it. I immediately snatched B's paci and headed to the kitchen to poke a hole. The resistance is still there and he loves to suck it. I don't want to just snatch it away for selfish reasons. I know that means less sleep for me and a snotty nose for him. Looking back on taking the bottle and we didn't have this problem. It was so easy to take his 'ba ba'. He didn't cry for it at all. Right now the paci is tucked safely beneath me and he's on the hunt.

My reasons for taking it goes beyond his teeth and speech. Those are by far my top reasons but another selfish reason is I hate seeing toddlers with pacis. It makes me cringe. 

If anyone happens to have any tips on how to 'lose' our faithful paci feel free to leave them! 

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