B Chance is 10 months! He has grown so much! He knows weighs 26lbs and is 29.4in long. The days seem to fly by with this little one. I never imagined it would go by so fast.
B got his first two teeth this month and is using them well. He loves raw onion and any kind of fruit. His favorite is still strawberries and bananas. He loves to snack on whatever I have in my hand.
He began walking this past month too! He is literally into everything! Rotten little guy. He walks around the house clapping and giggling all day long.
He loves to go to the river and swim. He sticks his head under water then comes up coughing only to do it again! Crazy little guy. He also loves little Einsteins! He sings with the music and dances. It's the only cartoon he'll stay focused on,
We also had a horrible scare this past month! B got some plastic from the diaper pack in his mouth and started choking! His little face turned black and blue and every one started panicking. Thankfully I learned infant CPR and was able to do the proper heimlich to save his life. I was terrified as was my husband the next day when he found out. Something damaged your heart like something happening to your child.
Happy 10 months to your sweet little guy!
ReplyDeleteThank you :) and thanks for stopping by!
DeleteHe is seriously the cutest little chubby bubby! <3 <3
ReplyDeleteUntil you lug him around ;)