...No poo? Whats that... you don't poop?!? I'm sure there's a few of you thinking this so allow me to explain. 'No poo' means going without shampoo. It's not as gross as it sounds and yes, I still wash my hair on the regular.
Sometime around a month ago I got a wild hair and decided I'd give the 'no poo' thing a go. I pinned a lot of different methods and researched until I found the most cost effective and efficient way to change my routine.
I personally don't mix my ingredients before I shower. Baking soda is activated by water so mixing a huge batch is a waste (the active baking soda is what cleans. It doesn't stay active long).
I keep a measuring cup, tablespoon, baking soda, and white vinegar in my bathroom. If I didn't I would completely forget it downstairs. After wetting my hair I fill my measuring cup with one cup of water and one tablespoon baking soda. My hair is rather short so this amount suffices. I pour it over my head taking time to make sure I avoid my eyes. It doesn't get sudsy like soap would so it might not even feel like its cleaning. I then let the water run through my hair before I pour one cup of white vinegar through. This time I take EXTRA care to avoid my eyes. It burns like crazy.
I read some people used apple cider vinegar but they all had something bad to say about how their hair felt afterwords. Overall this routine is working for me. I wash my hair every other day just as before and it has yet to get greasy. Many reviews said if you washed every day before switching it would take some time for your hair to adjust. My one complaint is the vinegar. It is freezing and doesn't smell to great. You can remedy this by putting a few drops of lavendar oil in your brush before you brush your hair or by spraying perfume/body spray in your hair. Take caution with the second one, your hair might dry out with the perfume.
If you're looking to save money or just looking to make the world a better place I highly suggest attempting 'no poo'. It nixs many harsh and unnecessary chemicals from your routine.
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