I know, our stash is stil REALLY small. We've been playing with cloth diapers for a few months now but never were committed. This past month I've jumped off the deep end. Our stash went from a mere two diapers to thirteen.
Some people think cloth diapering is expensive, smelly, and gross. I'm here to tell you those people are wrong!
Cloth diapering is what you make it. We spent $4-$25 on a single diaper. This just goes to show you that you can get cheap diapers and you can also go for high end diapers. Some people prefer more expensive diapers, I personally am a Bumgenius fan. We have two in our stash but they fit amazing. I also have Naughty babies ($4.00), Alvas ($6), and some used diapers that were all cheap and can save you even more money.
I've read a few blogs about how the poster was worried about the smell factor. Since switching fully to cloth my house has smelled a ton better. Since you HAVE to dispose of the poop in the toilet it doesn't sit in a pail and reek (you're suppose to dispose all diaper waste in the toilet including disposable waste... lets face it, no one does that). We throw all of our diapers in a flip top trash can and wash when we're running out (right now that is every night for us. Small stash requires more washing).
I can promise you this isn't as gross as you think. B's poop is pretty solid so it falls right in the toilet. I NEVER touch poop. If your child has more watery poop you can invest in a diaper sprayer. We have one listed on our registry that runs about $50. If that seems steep to you then yiu can even make your own for a meer $15. Some people just use a squirt bottle filled with water to help clean.
For the last 12 months B has been in Huggies size 4 diapers. We have spent $840 (minimum) plus however many newborn through size 3 we bought. If I were to go out and buy 18 Bumgenius I'd be spending $305.00 plus the cost of laundry. If I were to invest solely in Alvas I'd be spending just less than $100. Either way thats less then we've spent on disposables and I'm hooked. Stay tune for a few detailed post on how my diapering system works.
Excited to get started on this when we move! I've done research into making my own. I'm excited to save some money. And let's face it. In my house I wash every day regardless so cloth diaper washing won't ad anything to my day lol.