Thursday, January 16, 2014

The endless teething;

Yesterday B had a tiny accident. He busted his bottom lip pretty good and Chance insisted we get him to the doctor. He was acting fine and eating everything in sight but I drug him out in the cold and took him anyway. Upon seeing the doctor we learned that B has four molars cutting the gums and his last front tooth.

This explains a LOT. He has been incredibly fussy lately.  He's super clingy and refuses to sleep on his own. He has been driving my nuts. He has began waking up two-three times a night crying for his sippy and only taking it with milk.  

I decided to take action. I ran to CVS and grabbed some teething tablets and motrin. He recieved both before bed last night and didn't seem to do any better. This morning we bundled up and headed to our local cloth diaper hippy store to grab a teething necklace. We left with a cherry baltic amber necklace that I'm placing all my faith in. I'll be giving regular updates on it and I'll also be reviewing our stash of cloth diapers in an upcoming post. We're new to the scene and I want to share my newfouns knowledge with my wonderful followers!


  1. His poor lip! He's so cute anyway though! :)

  2. Devil child here too! I'm putting in a request that the next one come with a full set ;)


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