Things to know before baby:
1. Nights will become shorter. In my experience, b wakes early and goes to bed late. His naps are short and his sleep time at night is just as short. Babies wake quiet often at night. Unfortunately for some little ones this last past a year. I still wake with B and have to settle him back to sleep and I know several moms who still feed at night.
2. Days seem longer, unless you have to get something done. Days with B seem so long. He's go go do non stop! Cashing after him wears me out quickly and he has energy to spare! Although my days feel longer there's no time to get anything done! Cleaning and cooking have to be done at the perfect time. Most of the time B is under me unfolding the clothes or tearing out the cabinets.
3. Leaving the house is a hassle. I thought this would get better as B for older but I'm finding its still a challenge. Packing the diaper bag use to be a bit easier. I breast fed so I didn't have to pack bottles. I could grab a few things and go. Now that B is eating solid food, I have to pack tons of snacks! Along with the snacks I pack a milk sippy and a juice sippy (I'm picky with the fluids he intakes). Along with my stuff, Chance's stuff, and the rest of the diaper bag I need four hands!
4. Your favorite past times will disappear. This isn't necessarily a bad thing though! My new favorite past times all include B. we love taking long walks and cuddling. We play with trucks outside and throw the ball. I still have some time for things I use to do but little hands will be grabbing.
5. You won't ever pee alone. Peeing is a task in my house. B tears out the cabinets and pulls all the toilet paper off the roll before I can finish.
6. You'll love your significant other more each day. From the time B was born and Chance held him I could feel myself falling deeper in love. Anytime they play together I can't help but smile. You never really feel love until you experience this love (in my opinion).
As I read back through this I feel as if I'm forgetting a million things. My brain is always scattered these days but I couldn't be more thankful. Having a baby has made my life more meaningful. It takes up all my time and I love every second I have with him.
My mom has always said the "you'll never pee alone" thing too, haha. :)
ReplyDeleteIts so true. Its a task lol