Along with fake friends my photographer decided to pick up another client for homecoming. This wouldn't be such a big deal but her husband is the same rank as Chance and the photographer seems to think that one of the boys will elect to stay behind so pictures can be done. Both of these men have been away from their wives and kids for 8.5 months. They want to see their families not choose to stay behind. I cancelled with her and come to find out the other girl ended up canceling her as well. That's what you get for being unprofessional.
I just want to sit here eating ice cream and crying. I'm in such a horrid mood! I feel like people are always blowing me off and that no one can be a true friend. My husband will always be my best friend but sometimes having girl time would be awesome. I never really had good friends in Florida I could truly count on. Everyone seemed to come and go. I've came to the conclusion that it must be me not them.
I feel like I could have written some of this post myself. I am a loner like you would not believe. My husband is my best friend and we both like staying in so we don't go out much. I have one friend here and she is moving soon. :( Don't think that it is you. In this lifestyle it is really hard to make friends, so many different people coming from so many different places and always moving. On that same note, we really need to meet soon considering we live in the same complex. :) Also that sucks about the photographer, so unprofessional just so she can make some extra money! I hope things start looking up for you and your hubby is home soon!